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生物源黑水虻业务简介阅读次数 [4439] 发布时间 :2023-06-20







养鸡方面,黑水虻作为鸡饲料的营养价值高,能够提高鸡的生长速度和免疫力,同时降低了饲料成本。与传统饲料相比,黑水虻饲料更易于消化吸收,能够减少鸡舍内氨气和异味,改善环境卫生。研究表明,与传统饲料相比,使用黑水虻饲料能够显著减少肉鸡对敏感抗生素的依赖性,同时提高鸡的体重、禽蛋产量和免疫力(Zhan et al., 2018Liu et al., 2020)。此外,还有研究发现,将黑水虻虫干添加到鸡蛋中可以增加蛋黄中营养成分含量(Xu et al., 2021)。


水产养殖方面,黑水虻虫干和虫粪都具有很好的应用效果。黑水虻虫体富含蛋白质和脂肪,能够增进鱼和虾的健康和生长,同时减少了饲料浪费和水体污染。黑水虻虫粪是一种优质的有机肥料,可以改善水质和增加养殖水产的产量。水产养殖方面,黑水虻饲料可以显著增加养殖鱼类和虾类的体重,并且不会影响其肉质品质和口感(Li et al., 2017)。同时,使用黑水虻虫粪作为水产养殖的有机肥料也可以显著提高养殖水产的产量和质量(Ji et al., 2020)。


Microwave BSFL 黑水虻微波虫干


 Air-dried BSFL 黑水虻风干虫干


BSFL Frass 虫沙肥


BSFL Slurry 黑水虻虫浆


BSF Oil 黑水虻虫油


Defatted BSFL Meal 黑水虻虫粉

参考文献 (Reference)


Ji, S., Wang, C., & Zhang, W. (2020). The application effect of BSF frass in water culture. Journal of China Agricultural University, 25(4), 57-62.


Li, L., Chen, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, X., & Liu, G. (2017). Effects of dietary BSF (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal on growth performance, body composition and nonspecific immunity of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(3), 688-697.


Liu, J., Ma, R., Gao, T., Hou, Y., Yang, D., Li, C., & Xu, X. (2020). Using different insect meals as partial substitutes for soybean meal in broiler diets: effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics, serum parameters and intestinal morphology. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 104(2), 431-438.


Xu, Y., Zhang, B., Wang, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, Q., & Shi, S. (2021). Effects of feeding laying hens with Hermetia illucens larvae on egg quality and yolk cholesterol and fatty acid composition. Poultry Science, 100(9), 101314.


Zhan, S., Fang, G., Cai, M., & Li, J. (2018). Evaluation of Hermetia illucens larvae meal as a protein source in broiler diets: effects on growth performance, carcass traits, microbial counts in cecal digesta and nutrient digestibility. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 9(1), 49.