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[News Express] Dried Crickets Exported to the United States for the First TimeHite [2103] Publish time :2023-10-06

Author: Fatima Chen

Review: John, Wenfeng Hu


September 2023 is destined to be an extraordinary month as we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. On September 27, Bioforte successfully exported dried crickets (Figure. 1) to the United States for the first time. This is another achievement made by Bioforte in the development, application and promotion of edible insect products after the first export with the name of black soldier fly in 2017 (Figure 2).


Figure 1 Dried Cricket Product

Thanks to the considerate service and highly professional support of Shenzhen Pingshan Customs, we successfully completed the commodity inspection process of dried cricket and worm products and managed to deliver the products before the long National Day holiday, while making our customers very satisfied (Figure. 3). We would like to extend our gratitude to Shenzhen Pingshan Customs for their efficient work.



Figure 2. News - Pingshan Inspection Department Helps "Gold Feed" Export to the United States for the First Time in 2018 [1]

Bioforte's mission is "To accelerate human transition to sustainable protein feed and food". The first export of dried crickets marks an important step in achieving this mission, at the same time promoting Bioforte's internationalization process and increasing our influence in the international market.


Figure 3-4 Reptile Pet Snacks - Compound Dried Worm Products

Dried crickets are made from our “self-breeding, self-rearing” food-grade crickets (Figure 3-4 and Figure 5-8), which have broad market prospects as an environmentally friendly food/feed product with high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. Studies have indicated (see Figure 9) that producing the same amount of protein (1kg) in cricket farming consumes less feed, uses less drinking water, and emits less greenhouse gas than traditional farming livestock or other insects. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly and sustainable new food/feed protein resource.





Figure 5-8 Bioforte’s Cricket Farm


Figure 9 Insect Farming Produces Less Greenhouse Gas [2]

In the future, we expect to witness more edible insect protein products entering domestic and foreign markets, providing more high-quality, environmentally friendly and healthy products for global consumers, promoting the green and sustainable development, and realizing the beautiful vision of Bioforte: "Building a world without hunger".


[1] 余俊杰,官晓峰,朱艳君. 坪山检验检疫 助力金饲料首度出口美国,《深圳新闻网》,

[2] "Benefits of Using Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae in Livestock Diets" By EnviroFlight, LLC.